Tag Archive | Peers of Beinan

Book Trailers: the Peers of Beinan series

If you follow the writing communities on both facebook and twitter, book trailers are often treated as one of the best tools for showcasing an independent author’s books – along with 3D cover art.

Here then are the trailers I made with Rachel Boswick for each of the Peers of Beinan series books.

Good-bye A672E92 Quintus

Say Good-bye to the Beinarian home world.

The Poisoned Ground

The Poisoned Ground. Based in part on conditions in western Pennsylvania.

The Great Succession Crisis

The Great Succession Crisis.

Ghosts of the Past

The Ghosts of the Past is a dystopic adventure set in another galaxy filled with murder, terrorism, and hope despite the world falling apart.

Princess Anyu Returns

What dangers will Princess Anyu face on the hostile D425E25 Tertius?

Youtube videos featuring original music for the Peers of Beinan series.

Music and lyrics by Laurel A. Rockefeller. Performed by Laurel A. Rockefeller

My Lady Fairest Queen. Theme song for “The Great Succession Crisis.”

“I shall Always Find You” from “Ghosts of the Past.”

The hopeful song Lord Elendir hears when he visits the memorial dedicated to the healing center bombing that killed his mother.

“Here Lays My Father and My Lord” from “Ghosts of the Past.”

Princess Constance finds her father King Kendric murdered. Her musical response.

“Coronation Hymn” from “Princess Anyu Returns”

Beinan celebrates the coronation of Princess Anyu as their new queen.

Enjoy all these songs performed in the audio edition of Songs of the Beinarian Court.

Serious about Series: Retail Links to your favorite series by Laurel A. Rockefeller

If you love to read or love to write for that matter, you know that book series are all the rage. But how do you find all the books in the series you love?

Many, but not all retailers, collect or at least tag books that come from the same series. In my experience these pages are often incomplete – which is why this blog includes all the books from each series in specific posts so dedicated. But what if you don’t want to scroll through all of that here? Easy: browse this post and you will find links to each retailer’s page for each series. Know of any pages I haven’t found (yet)? Comment with those links and I will check them out!

The Peers of Beinan series

genres: science fiction, paranormal romance, social scifi,

Explore a civilization in peril as blood feuds, political corruption, and tyranny seek to rip apart Beinarian society. Strongly influenced by Frank Herbert’s “Dune” series, Gene Roddenbury’s “Star Trek,” Glen Larson’s “Battlestar Galactica,” JRR Tolkien, and Dorothy “DC” Fontana, The Peers of Beinan takes you to a far away galaxy that feels just like home. Social issues explored include climate change, pollution, abortion, terrorism, domestic violence, and many more.

Amazon, Kobo, Smashwords

The Legendary Women of World History

genres: non-fiction history, narrative history, historical fiction, biography, women’s history

Begun in response to a lack of basic historical literacy in western Pennsylvania, the Legendary Women of World History seeks to improve history literacy for readers of all ages. With more than 75% available in audio format, many titles are accessible to children as young as four years old (use parental discretion in deciding age appropriateness). The series spans antiquity through the early 17th century. Most books are translated into multiple languages including Welsh, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, and Italian.

Amazon, Audible (minus newer releases Mary Queen of the Scots and Margaret of Wessex), Smashwords, Kobo.

Legendary Women of World History Textbooks

genres: history, narrative history, textbook, social studies, world history, ancient history, women’s history

The Legendary Women of World History Textbooks presents the same core content as the original Legendary Women of World History biographies – but with the addition of study questions after every chapter. These questions are exactly the same sort of questions that were presented in my textbooks in junior high and high school and are designed to promote both home school and public school learning, and augment existing curriculae.

In audio format, only two textbook editions are available: Hypatia of Alexandria Student-Teacher in English and Aliénor d’Aquitaine (Eleanor of Aquitaine in French edition). For reasons unknown, Audible is not offering Alienor, but you can find it on Apple Audiobooks. On Alienor, the student questions appear at the end of the book.

Find the Legendary Women of World History Textbooks series pages at Amazon and Smashwords.

Life with Cockatiels

genres: pet birds, pet guides, cockatiels, budgerigars, parrots, biographies, nature, science

More than any other books, the Life with Cockatiels is the most personal. Grounded in over 40 years of daily experience living with parrots, these books share what works, what doesn’t, and how to achieve a long, happy, and healthy life with your birds. The series starts with “Preparing for My First Cockatiel” which breaks down exactly what you need to buy to prepare your home for what cockatiels need, along with scientific data helping you understand who and what cockatiels are. “Preparing for My Senior Cockatiel” centers on nutrition and changes that come as your bird ages and develops age-related challenges like sight loss, along with practical suggestions on how to make needed adjustments. “Mithril and Me” is a biography for all my birds starting with my first bird, Luke, whom I bought in the third grade, through all my budgerigars and cockatiels from the early 1980s to its publication date in 2021.

All of these are filled with photos, including personal snapshots, to help guide you into a long, happy life with your birds.

Amazon, Kobo, Smashwords, Audible

Life in America

genres: American history, modern history, American Revolution, Early Republic, political science, women’s history, patriarchy, women’s rights, poverty

The Life in America series is all things American history. Beginning with the flash fiction “A New Start In the Niobrara for Mr. and Mrs. O’Malley,” the series steps outside of Laurel A. Rockefeller’s medieval history comfort zone. American Poverty and American Patriarchy are topically arranged, beginning with essays whose problems are then addressed in part two of each book with analysis and data from such sources as Forbes, Inc., Feeding America, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and the Bureau of Justice. The history of patriarchy and the resulting women’s rights movements are explored in depth with many surprises when it comes to women’s legal rights (including reproductive rights and abortion) in the United States. In Founding Mothers the lives of twelve women from diverse backgrounds are explored – both the famous and the largely forgotten. Music enters the series with Founding Mothers in a special appendix showcasing songs popular in colonial America and the Early Republic. Hear those songs sung in the audio edition.

Amazon, Smashwords

Notable Books Not in any series

Two of my books are not in series: the award-winning “His Red Eminence, Armand-Jean du Plessis de Richelieu,” and “The Arban and the Saman.” Both are historical in nature. Eminence is narrative history just like the Legendary Women of World History whereas Arban/Saman is a straight historical romance with some supernatural elements to it. Find links to these on this blog.

Find books and audiobooks by Laurel A. Rockefeller at your favorite retailer.

Amazon, Audible, Apple Books, Apple Audiobooks, Chirp, Everand, Barnes/Noble, Books A Million, BookBub, Good Reads, and YouTube.

Find books by Laurel A. Rockefeller on the series pages on this blog:

Peers of Beinan

Legendary Women of World History

Legendary Women of World History Textbooks

Legendary Women of World History and Peers of Beinan Dramas

Life in America

Life with Cockatiels

Audiobooks by Laurel A. Rockefeller

Livros em português: descrições e links de varejo

Se você mora nos Estados Unidos, provavelmente não ouve muito o português falado, muito menos escrito. Mas o português é uma língua bonita e decididamente diferente do espanhol, do italiano e do francês. Os livros a seguir são escritos por Laurel A. Rockefeller e estão disponíveis para você em português.

Adeus, A672E92 Quintus

O que você faria se soubesse que o seu mundo está chegando ao fim? Após a ciência ter confirmado a iminente aniquilação do planeta A672E92 Quintus, uma equipe diplomática fica encarregada de controlar a rivalidade cega das duas casas aptas para a jornada espacial, a Cashmarie e a Xing-li. Se falharem, certamente cada homem, mulher e criança perecerá. Como a disputa entre as casas permanece, são designados dois representantes para liderar o tratado de paz, aí surge o romance com um toque extrassensorial, e torna-se lendária a luta para se despedir do A672E92 Quintus e descobrir o seu novo lar: o planeta Beinan.

Encontre este livro na Apple, Amazon e Everand

Boudicca, a Rainha Bretã dos Icenos

Por que o corvo dos Morrígan chora? Apenas os Bretões cujo coração anseia pela verdadeira liberdade sabem! 

Em 43 a. C. a conquista da Bretanha pelos Romanos é quase certa — até que um encontro casual entre o Rei Prasutagus dos Icenos e uma escrava fugitiva da realeza, descendente da tribo dos Éduos da Gália muda o destino das ilhas britânicas para sempre. 

Levante-se para a liberdade com a estória verdadeira de Boudicca: a Rainha Bretã dos Icenos e descubra uma das mais inspiradoras estórias da história! 

Uma narração biográfica sobre Mulheres Legendárias da História Mundial.

Encontre este livro na Apple, Amazon e Everand

Catherine de Valois Princesa Francesa, Matriarca dos Tudor

A guerra a tornou Rainha da Inglaterra. O seu amor por um galês a tornou imortal.

Mais conhecida como a noiva de Agincourt, de Henry V, da peça shakespeariana “Henry V,” Catherine de Valois foi uma extraordinária mulher fervorosa, corajosa, e convicta, em uma era de mulheres politicamente poderosas.

Uma filha mais nova do Rei Charles VI da França, aterrorizada pela sua enfermidade mental, Princesa Catherine sobreviveu às devastações da esquizofrenia dele, a uma guerra civil em seu país, e à guerra do Rei Henry contra a França, para se tornar uma das rainhas mais fascinantes e corajosas da Inglaterra renascentista.

Uma biografia narrativa de Mulheres Lendárias da História Mundial.

Inclui uma árvore genealógica Guerra das Rosas, detalhada cronologia, e uma lista detalhada de sugestões de leitura/bibliografia.

Encontre este livro na Apple, Amazon e Everand

Cleópatra VII: A última governante do Egito

A emocionante história da rainha mais famosa do Egito!

Cleópatra Tea Filópator se recusava a fazer o que lhe era ordenado. Em uma período em que o patriarcado negava cidadania completa até mesmo às mulheres da elite romana, Cleópatra governou seu Egito determinada a mantê-lo independente e livre do controle romano — independentemente do preço. Demonizada como uma simples sedutora por Caio Júlio César Otaviano (o futuro César Augusto) e seus aliados políticos, Cleópatra VII provou ser igual aos três homens mais poderosos do mundo romano: Caio Júlio César, Marco Antônio e Otaviano César.

Inclui uma linha do tempo detalhada, uma lista de leituras sugeridas/bibliografia e um easter egg especial para os fãs de ficção científica.

Encontre este livro na Apple, Amazon e Everand

Gwenllian Ferch Gruffydd. A Princesa Guerreira de Deheubarth

A Heroica antepassada Galesa da rainha Elizabeth Tudor!

Nascida em 1097 no castelo de Aberffraw, a princesa Gwenllian Ferch Gruffydd ap Cynan sempre foi destinada a grandes coisas. Como filha de um dos maiores guerreiros de Gwynedd, ela cresceu forte e apaixonada – mais do que uma partida para seus irmãos mais velhos.

A seus dezesseis anos, a vida de Gwenllian mudou para sempre quando ela se apaixonou por Prince Gruffydd ap Rhys, o herdeiro de Rhys ap Tewdur, de Deheubarth. Juntos, marido e mulher lutaram e governaram o sul do País de Gales, desafiando a Conquista Normanda do País de Gales e provando de uma vez por todas a nobreza e coragem do povo galês, uma coragem que dura ao longo dos séculos e vive no coração de todo homem galês, mulher e criança.

Inclui uma extensa linha de tempo cobrindo mais de 400 anos de história medieval galesa e inglesa.

Encontre este livro na Apple, Amazon e Everand

Hipátia de Alexandria

Quando o mundo ocidental caiu na escuridão, ela ousou defender a luz.

Nascida em 355 EC, após o reinado de Constantino, Hipátia de Alexandria viveu em um império romano em colapso, um mundo onde a obediência às autoridades religiosas superava a ciência, onde razão e lógica ameaçavam a nova ordem mundial. Era um mundo à beira da Idade das Trevas, um mundo decidindo a questão da ciência versos religião, versos liberdade ortodoxia, versos de tolerância ódio.

Por mais de 40 anos, Hipátia ficou entre a idade das trevas e a luz da filosofia clássica, das artes e das ciências. Embora nenhum de seus livros tenha sobrevivido às agressivas queimadas de livros de fanáticos religiosos, seu legado continua sendo o de um dos maiores cientistas de todos os tempos.

Esta é a sua história verdadeira e fascinante.

Inclui bibliografia, um cronograma detalhado e coordenadas de latitude e longitude para as principais cidades do Império Romano, para que você possa explorar as maravilhas dos céus com Hypatia.

Encontre este livro na Apple, Amazon e Everand

Imperatriz Matilde da Inglaterra

A leoa destemida da Inglaterra!

Nascida em 1102 para o rei Henry da Inglaterra e para a rainha Matilde da Escócia, a ancestralidade normanda, saxã e escocesa de Matilde estava destinada a unificar a Inglaterra ainda dividida pela conquista do avô em 1066. Quando o Desastre do Barco Branco, em 1120, fez dela a única filha sobrevivente de seus pais, Matilde de repente se tornou herdeira do trono inglês em uma época em que o velho Witan saxão, e não o testamento do rei, ainda decidia a sucessão.

Descubra a verdadeira história da primeira mulher a reivindicar o trono inglês por direito próprio e inspire-se!

Inclui a árvore genealógica da família de Matilde, uma linha do tempo detalhada e uma lista de sugestões de leituras para que você possa continuar aprendendo.

Encontre este livro na Apple, Amazon e Everand

Imperatriz Wǔ Zétiān

A mulher mais odiada da história chinesa!

Viaje no tempo mais de mil anos e conheça o primeiro e único imperador do sexo feminino da China. Nascido Wǔ Zhào e dado o título reinado “Zétiān” apenas algumas semanas antes de sua morte em 705 dC, ela era a filha indesejada do chanceler Wǔ Shihuo – muito brilhante, muito instruída e muito politicamente focada para fazer uma boa esposa de acordo com interpretações contemporâneas dos Analectos de Confúcio.

Ela pode ser de admirar que até hoje ela continua a ser a mulher mais odiada em toda a história chinesa e um dos seus mais controversos?

Explore a vida da imperatriz Wǔ e descubra por que o mundo é um lugar muito diferente, porque ela ousou o que nenhuma mulher na China antes ou desde sempre sonhou.

Encontre este livro na Apple, Amazon e Everand

Margarida de Wessex

O século 11 foi uma época perigosa para os descendentes diretos do Rei Æthelred II Despreparado e de sua primeira rainha, Æfgifu of York. Nascida na Hungria depois da tentativa falha do Rei Canuto III de assassinar o seu pai, Eduardo, o Exilado, Margarida teve a vida virada de cabeça para baixo pela descoberta do Rei Eduardo, o Confessor, de que o seu pai continuava vivo — e com a consequente reconvocação de sua família à Inglaterra.

Agora, uma refém política mantida viva apenas enquanto serve aos interesses de homens poderosos, Margarida e sua família encontram no convite do Rei Máel Coluim mac Donnchadh Ceann à sua corte em Dunfermline, Alba, a resposta há muito esperada para as suas preces.

A Escócia jamais seria a mesma outra vez.

Encontre este livro na Apple, Amazon e Everand

Maria, a Rainha dos Escoceses, O Reino Esquecido

A Rainha Maria Stuart foi uma das mulheres mais amadas e controversas da história da Escócia. Neta do Rei Jaime IV e sua esposa Margaret Tudor, o status da Rainha Maria como herdeira-parente do trono da Rainha Isabel na Inglaterra, assim como a violência da Reforma Escocesa preparou o palco para uma das vidas mais dramáticas e mal compreendidas do século XVI.

Maria, a Rainha dos Escoceses conta a verdadeira história de Maria, concentrando-se principalmente em seu reinado como rainha da Escócia, celebrando sua vida mais do que sua morte e mostrando-nos porque ela era verdadeiramente uma mulher à frente de seu tempo.

Apresenta uma linha do tempo detalhada, uma lista de orações latinas com suas traduções para o Português e as letras de todas as quatro canções do período apresentadas no livro, incluindo “Depairte, Depairte” (1545) escrita em língua Ânglica Escocesa.

Encontre este livro na Apple, Amazon e Everand

Mithril e Eu: Uma história de amor

Mithril e Eu é a verdadeira história do vínculo especial que se forma entre humanos e pássaros. Começando com seu primeiro pássaro, um budgerigar (periquito) chamado Luke e, ao longo das décadas, Laurel A. Rockefeller leva você a uma jornada especial como só ela pode, aprendendo e crescendo como pessoa ao longo do caminho e amando cada pássaro que entra em sua vida.  Sincero, afetuoso e honesto, “Mithril e Eu” vai aquecer seu coração, fazer você chorar e inspirá-lo ao longo do caminho.

Repleto de fotos pessoais de quarenta anos de vida com pássaros. Perfeito para o amante de animais em sua vida.

Encontre este livro na Apple, Amazon e Everand

O território envenenado e a consorte curandeira

A Senhora Abadessa Cara encontra-se no meio de uma conspiração real quando viaja para a cidade sulista de Nan-li para investigar um misterioso surto de cânceres que assola a cidade.

Quando o tirânico Rei Gareth usa seu poder para impedi-la de descobrir a verdade, Cara encontra-se encurralada entre o amor e suas lealdades neste romance sombrio, que antecede “Os Fantasmas do Passado”.

Encontre este livro na Apple, Amazon e Everand

Organização para a Minha Primeira Caturra

Apresente o mundo maravilhoso das caturras aos seus filhos

Organização para a minha primeira Caturra, é um guia para si e para os seus filhos, para ajudar a saber o que é necessário para levar para casa a sua primeira caturra.

Ao contrário da maioria de livros que existem sobre caturras, este não tentam encobrir nada e foca-se em explicar o que necessita para estar preparado para a sua nova vida com o seu pássaro.

Completo com histórias na primeira pessoa e fotografias, vai ficar a saber como é a vida a amar caturras, há muitos anos. Um livro divertido quem adora animais!

– Caturras sendo cacatuas
– Gaiolas principais
– Gaiolas de viagem e hospitalares (incluindo gaiolas para viagens áreas internas e internacionais)
– Espaços de lazer 
– Comida
– Brinquedos
– Poleiros
– Dispensadores de comida 
– Comunicar com uma caturra nova e tímida
– Prevenção de psitacose

– Jogos para o seu novo pássaro 


Encontre este livro na Apple, Amazon e Everand

Rainha Elizabeth Tudor, Tornando-se Gloriana

A Rainha Elizabeth Tudor ainda é conhecida hoje como “Gloriana”, por conta de sua pequena frota de navios ágeis que derrotou a Armada Espanhola, que possuía 131 galeões, no Canal da Mancha em 6 de agosto de 1588.

Mas como isso aconteceu, e por que a tardia Era Elisabetana ficou conhecida como “A Era do Ouro”?

Nesta bela e criativa narrativa biográfica, você conhecerá Elizabeth como nunca antes.

Se você é fã da Dinastia Tudor ou se esta é sua primeira vez explorando a história inglesa, você ganhará conhecimentos valiosos sobre a mente da, talvez, mulher mais lendária da história mundial, contada pelos olhos de seu famoso—ou infame—relacionamento com Robert Dudley. A história continua com Mary, rainha dos escoceses (explorada no terceiro volume) e seu julgamento e impacto em Elizabeth.

Contém seis músicas medievais e elisabetanas, uma linha do tempo detalhada, e uma longa lista de leituras sugeridas.

Encontre este livro na Apple, Amazon e Everand

Sua Eminência Escarlate, Armand-Jean du Plessis de Richelieu

Sacerdote. Amante. Político.

Da autora da série de biografias best-seller “Mulheres Lendárias da História do Mundo” …

O cardeal Armand-Jean du Plessis, duque de Richelieu, é um dos políticos mais famosos – ou infames de todos os tempos. Tornado um vilão no popular romance de Dumas, “Os Três Mosqueteiros”, o homem de verdade era um servidor público dedicado, leal ao rei e ao país. Um homem de lógica e razão, ele transformou a maneira como pensamos sobre nações e nacionalidade. Ele secularizou as guerras entre países, patrocinou as artes em prol do bem público, fundou o primeiro jornal na França e criou a França como o país moderno que conhecemos hoje.

Cheio de música de época, dança e muito romance, “Sua Eminência Escarlate” transporta você de volta à corte do rei Luís XIII em todas as suas cores vibrantes e vivas.

Encontre este livro na Apple, Amazon e Everand

Território Envenenado

A cidade sulista Nanli ia bem até uma misteriosa praga infestar a cidade com medo e pavor.
Cumprindo o seu dever de descobrir a causa, a Lady Abadessa Cara corre contra o tempo para encontrar uma cura quando se vê diante de uma conspiração perigosa que põe em risco a sua vida e a das gerações futuras.

Encontre este livro na Apple, Amazon e Everand

Confronting the Engineer. Excerpt from The Poisoned Ground and the Healer Consort: A Play in Three Acts

The Poisoned Ground is the second of the two prequel novellas from the Peers of Beinan series to be adapted for the stage. Adapted for the stage in 2017, “The Poisoned Ground and the Healer Consort” is an extended version of the tale and for a slightly more adult (Young Adult, New Adult) audience.

In this scene, Lady Healer Cara confronts the head engineer in charge of a dangerous mine poisoning the people in nearby Nan-li City.

Act III, Scene IV

BE 5546, beinor 42.  Shir-or 6.00. Strip mine just outside of Nan-li City. RACHEL inspects the mining progress three levels down from the surface. LIAM and CARA ENTER stage right at ground level.  Rachel climbs up to greet them.


You asked to see me?


Yes!  What happened here?


Here?  What makes you think the sinkhole in the city has anything to do with this mine?


There are fifty dead with two hundred more in critical care, most of them on nirlar respiratory therapy.  Sinkholes do not just happen, least of all sinkholes releasing large amounts of bilast. What happened to release so much bilast into that apartment building?


What makes you think the mine has anything to do with it?


Do not play ignorant with me, Lady Engineer Rachel; we’ve traced the sink role to a fault running straight into this mine.  Did you know about the fault’s location?


The presence of a fault hardly guarantees any sort of seismic activity.  More than eighty percent of fault zones remain inactive for thousands of yen-ars; there was no reason to believe mining the argun ore deposits would have any effect elsewhere.


Unless there were bilast pockets in the rocks, pockets that, once disturbed, vented along the fault lines, triggering an explosive sinkhole large enough to destroy an apartment building and spewing bilast into the area.


What makes you think that?


More importantly, why do you refuse to help me?


What do you want me to say?  You want a confession to some sort of conspiracy to kill those people?  There is none.  We were just doing our jobs, digging argun ore and other valuable minerals out of the ground so it can be processed and used in the power plants that generate the electricity that no one across the planet wants to go without.


There are safer ways to do that.


Oh?  So now you are not only a healer and one of the heads of house Ten-Ar, but an engineer too?


What about Nara trees?  They filter out the toxic effects of both bilast and argene radiation.  Nara trees offer wood for construction, berries for food, habitat for animals, and shelter from storms.  Instead of cutting these trees down, you could at least plant them!


I’m a miner, not a forester!




Meaning she will not help us.  Nor, I suspect add any information to what we already know from the sinkhole itself.  There is nothing in it for her, no profit.  If we were willing to bribe her with, say, ten thousand tai-ors, she might tell us what we need to know.  Instead, I suspect you have a greater incentive to stay quiet, Lady Engineer Rachel.


Look I do not want anyone to get hurt.  But I have to look out for our miners. These women and men work hard, endanger their lives every beinor.  And it is not as if they are paid all that well for the risk they take on.  They really are not.  They deserve a lot better than they get.


On that, we are agreed.  But surely the addition of more safety precautions can only help the miners – and the residents of Nan-li.


At how many tai-ors per shir-or of work?  Do you realize how much more power companies would have to charge for electricity?  Everything would go up – from the price of commuter rail fares to home heating to fuel for low altitude shuttles.  It takes electricity to transport food from farms to markets.  Our entire society runs on argene and you want to make it much more expensive for everyone?  You say you want to help the residents here?  Then leave us alone, let us run our businesses the way we see fit.  We do not want more regulation.  We just want to do our jobs – and keep as many workers as possible.


Believe me, I understand! But how can you not care about conditions in those mines?  Is it not worth spending a few tai-ors to extend their lives?


You think I want them to die, to get sick?


No – which is why I am asking you to make some small changes to help them do their jobs better.  Surely you understand that strong and healthy workers do better work and faster work than sick, tired, and injured workers!


You do not understand, Princess, we just do not have the money.


(studying the ground as he paces back and forth)

What if the supplies were donated?  If it costs you nothing, would it not be in your advantage to do as we suggest?


I will think about it.


Find The Poisoned Ground and the Healer Consort: A Play in Three Acts at Amazon, Apple, Smashwords, Barnes/Noble, and at a retailer near you.

Operation Assassinate Cara. Excerpt from The Poisoned Ground and the Healer Consort: A Play in Three Acts

The Poisoned Ground is the second of the two prequel novellas from the Peers of Beinan series to be adapted for the stage. Adapted for the stage in 2017, “The Poisoned Ground and the Healer Consort” is an extended version of the tale and for a slightly more adult (Young Adult, New Adult) audience. In this scene, Lady Healer Cara faces a would-be assassin intent on stopping her investigations into the poisoned ground.

Act I, Scene IV

Lan-xing Ulen hotel. Dining room. CARA and RONEL sit at a small table enjoying a breakfast feast including Belarian waffles with jam, kelan juice, and a minty hot chocolate. MINER sits at a distant table.


Your Grace, are you sure I should not wear my sword?


Why would you need to be armed, Ronel?  You think there is going to be danger at Nan-li Central?  It is a healing centre, not a war zone.


 With all due respect, Your Grace, that healing centre has you written all over it; you were the one who proposed its construction.  You were the one who insisted on it featuring twice as many research laboratories than the typical healing centre.  That healing centre is at the forefront of medical research for the region.  Yes, it services many of the poorest on our world – but it is clearly your work.  That makes you a target, especially here.


I am a healer, not a warrior.  Why would anyone want to kill me?  My heart is to end suffering and make our world worthy of its many blessings.


 Healers know things that the rest of us do not.  That makes you a threat, Your Grace.  But more than that – you are the ranking leader of our house, even above the Masters of Ten-Ar.  Theirs is a chorus of voices, but you speak with the strength of a single healing voice.


If you feel so strongly about it, lord knight – by all means arm yourself as you see fit.  I want to avail myself of this delicious food.

RONEL EXITS upstage left.  After several seconds RONEL ENTERS downstage left with his sword and sword belt in hand. A chime sounds.  Ronel pulls out his tablet computer.


This is Lord Knight Ronel.

(A hologram of GWYNETH appears)


Lord Knight Ronel, I am relieved to find you still alive.


 What happened?


An attack, my lord!  Twelve of our best healers and healers in training studying the samples her excellency collected last beinor were found murdered – bilast poisoning.


 Bilast?  The abbess found high levels of bilast at the mine, did she not?


She did.  The data and samples are still here – thank the goddesses – but I fear for her – and myself.  Clearly whoever is responsible wants everyone to think this was some personal blood feud.  I do not believe it; these particular healers and healers in training were our top planetary experts on radiation poisoning and local ecology.


Without which you cannot offer authoritative testimony in the Great Council if I understand the political situation.


Correct! Ronel, I am afraid for the abbess.  Can I meet both of you there with the data?  I do not feel comfortable transmitting it from here.  We have no clue who killed them or where they are; unless you disagree, I prefer to not provide an obvious path to your whereabouts.


 I am supposed to meet the abbess in the dining room directly.  Can you meet us there?


I will try!

GWYNETH hologram disappears. RONEL EXITS downstage left. MINER stands up and pulls out his laser spear. Green fireworks go off as the miner sights his spear and fires repeatedly. RONEL ENTERS center stage left with his laser sword drawn and activated.


Your Grace, behind me!

(Cara moves to cover while Ronel acrobatically dodges laser spear fire and blocks several volleys with his laser sword. Miner attacks again, carefully pursuing Cara. Ronel cautiously works his way towards the miner before charging, his sword slicing downward towards the miner’s spear arm. The miner cries out with agony as blood gushes from the blow, but still holds tightly to the spear. Ronel wrestles dangerously with the miner until at last he is able to subdue him.)

Why! Why are you trying to kill us?


Our jobs.  She would close the mine.  My wife, my children – without jobs from the mines, we will all starve to death!  Please!  My life is not important – but my babies scream with hunger!


 She built the healing centre to help you – why do you not see it?

Unseen, GWYNETH ENTERS stage left


What good is a healer if you die of hunger?  We do not need more healers.  We need food.  The food grown around here is no good no more.  Is poison to my babies.


He’s right. The crude refining at the mine has released such toxic levels of argene into the air and soil that locally grown food is no longer safe to eat.  Proper refining from a better and more expensive facility could do much – but not nearly as much as re-growing the forests themselves.


What ‘er ye sayin’?


The strip mining is giving you work, yes, but the way house Ana conducts the mine is poisoning everything within a four hundred li 里 radius –  including, I fear, coastal marine life.


But we are more than three hundred li 里 from the ocean!


Yes, yes we are.  Yet food is brought in from the Amba Mederi Ocean.  From the raks and fish served on the table to the sea vegetation that is normally so nourishing – nothing grown here is safe to eat. We are all dying from argene radiation poisoning.


Poison or not, food is food and we a’nt got none to ‘at.


 I fear that is on purpose, my lord.


I ai’ no lord – just a bloke who canna bear the sounds of my children hungry.


(emerging from her hiding place)

There is more going on than just irresponsible mining practices.  Come with us – bring your family – we will take you to the capital city in Dong-Bei where you can find work doing something safer than this and where your family will never go hungry again.  I swear to it as abbess of Ten-Ar.



Find The Poisoned Ground and the Healer Consort: A Play in Three Acts at Amazon, Apple, Smashwords, Barnes/Noble, and at a retailer near you.

The Delegates Arrive. Excerpt from”Good-bye A672E92 Quintus: a Play in Two Acts”

Good-bye A672E92 Quintus opens the Peers of Beinan series with the tale of Brigid and Malvyn, two legendary figures from Beinarian history. The core of the story focuses on diplomacy: Brigid and Malvyn are part of a team sent to help houses Cashmarie and Xing-li resolve their feuds so that star craft can be built before the A672E92 sun goes nova. In this scene from Act I, the diplomats arrive on the Isle of Ben-Ar.

Act I, Scene II

OW 48770, beinor 16. Isle of Ben-Ar. Docking port.  In the distance, we see the crystalline temple of Ainisil, its many spires and towers weaving together organically out of the island’s craggy cliffs with smoothness and geometric precision. Dormers flower near the pinnacles of each tower. Next to the temple stands Ainisil Castle. BRIGID ENTERS through an upstage wooden door and walks towards downstage left as first MALVYN, then SARETH ENTER stage left.


(taking Brigid’s hand and kissing it)

Honor and respect to the Lady of Many Names and to her ambassador in you, my lady!

Brigid steps back as psychic energy from his touch assaults her heavily. Quickly recovering her composure, Brigid curtsies politely. Unseen, Lady Sareth strides up behind her.


Merry meet, Lord Malvyn.  House Miyoo greets you in the name of the Lady.


(to Brigid)

It is an honor and pleasure to meet you, Lady Brigid.  Honorable Lady Kendra praised you highly when informing me of the conference.


I shall endeavor to earn your respect then, Your Grace.  How fares house Ten-Ar this beinor?


Too few choose the healing arts, I am afraid.  You speak honorifically to me, Lady Priestess Brigid, but I fear there is precious little honor in my title; it appears to be more of a formality than a true position of authority.

HORATIO ENTERS, followed by SILMIRA and AIDES.  Quietly they glide behind Sareth.


 But surely you are a skilled healer and gifted teacher of the healing arts.


These are not gentile times, my lady.  Master knights and generals of war hold the greater prestige.  Better a warrior and knight of Ten-Ar than a healer to them– at least for the present.


(still distracted by the psychic bolt from Malvyn)

Perhaps we may reverse that trend.


Reverse what trend?


(offering Horatio the Balistrian gesture of respect)

Good morning and welcome lord …


Lord Admiral Horatio of house Xing-li, at your service.


A pleasure and an honor, lord admiral.  I am Lord Malvyn, master bowman and head of house Balister.  Please allow me to introduce the ladies:  Lady Abbess Sareth of house Ten-Ar and our hostess, Lady Priestess Brigid of house Miyoo.


A pleasure as always. I am Lady Mariner Silmira of house Cashmarie and head of our delegation.” 

(to Horatio)

A pleasure to see you again, lord admiral.  Killed any children lately?


(to Silmira)

The affairs of house Xing-li are none of yours, Mariner.  Or should I call you a hapless dimwit of a sailor who cannot navigate her way out of a sea to an ocean?



Well then, clearly we have much to discuss.  Shall we enter the castle temple then and begin?


(heading for the wooden door)

By all means, Lord Malvyn!  Let us find the solution to this problem.  The sooner we conclude negotiations, the sooner we may all return to our homes. 

ALL EXIT through the wooden door into the castle.



Find “Good-bye A672E92 Quintus” at a retailer near you, including Amazon, Apple, Smashwords, and Barnes/Noble.

The Peers of Beinan Series: Book Descriptions and Links

My writing career began in 2010 when I discovered Netflix had a cherished show from my childhood available for rent: Benji, Zax, and the Alien Prince. Starring Christopher Burton, the series followed a boy-prince from the planet Antars on his adventures on Earth – aided by a protective droid and Benji, the dog.

Excerpt from Benji, Zax, and the Alien Prince. This favourite episode, “Good-bye Earth” had a particularly strong influence on The “Peers of Beinan” series, especially in its earliest drafts.

In 2011 I started a fan fiction novel. As the story progressed, I knew I wanted to publish it – but the show is under Joe Camp’s copyright and I couldn’t figure out how to secure permission for my novel.

That led to changes in the book and transformation of core details to not conflict with Joe Camp’s copyright. The single novel expanded into a trilogy. Two prequel novels were added and the “data files” which I wrote down to keep all the world building details straight were published as a companion book.

Amazon, Smashwords, and Kobo each list the Peers of Beinan books on series pages.

Here is the Peers of Beinan Series in full and presented in the story’s chronological order:

Good-bye A672E92 Quintus

What would you do if you knew your world was about to end? With war tearing society apart and preventing evacuation, two delegates assigned to the peace talks find romance tinged with the supernatural in a relationship that will make them the stuff of legends as they strive to say good-bye to A672E92 Quintus and set out in search of their new home: planet Beinan.

Find it on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes/Noble, Apple, and at a retailer near you in your choice of languages. Audio edition available in English (Apple, Audible) and French (Apple, Audible).

Flash fiction “The First King available in audio format at Apple, Chirp, Spotify, LibroFM, Hoopla, and a retailer near you.

The Poisoned Ground

CORPORATE GREED. CORRUPTION. PLAGUE. All was well for the southern city of Nanli — until a mysterious plague filled the city with fear and agony. Duty bound to discover the cause, Lady Abbess Cara races against time to find a cure only to be caught up in a dangerous conspiracy that may claim her life and the lives of billions for generations to come.

Find it on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes/Noble, Apple, and at a retailer near you.

The Great Succession Crisis

The romantic prequel to Ghosts of the Past and Princess Anyu Returns takes you into the story of Princess Anlei and the succession crisis that sets the stage for the heroes and villains of Ghosts of the Past. The lavish world-building of the series is established here and as such is a valuable read for diving into the Peers of Beinan universe and understanding the history that underscores the main novels. A simple, clean romance story suitable for middle grade and young adults, this is part fairy tale in space and part social sci-fi drama that your entire family can enjoy together.

Find it on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes/Noble, Apple, and at a retailer near you.

The Ghosts of the Past

Terror fills the air on planet Beinan as unseen serial murderers bomb healing centres planet wide and assassinate the mighty and the humble for reasons known only unto themselves. Caught up in the conspiracy is Lord Knight Elendir, the son of two murdered healers whose grief overwhelms him. Will he solve the mystery and stop the killers before everyone he loves dies or will planet Beinan fall to the blood-thirsty terrorists?

Concluded by Princess Anyu Returns.

Find it on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes/Noble, Apple, and at a retailer near you.

Princess Anyu Returns

With planet Beinan firmly under the control of the vicious Lord Yelu Princess Anyu flees Beinan for the distant and hostile planet D425E25 Tertius, a world known to its natives as “Earth.”

But more than just the toxic atmosphere and brutal New England winter awaits the young princess as she finds she is not the only Beinarian living among Earth humans.

What strange terrors await Princess Anyu on that hostile world and what sort of Beinan will she find when she finally returns home?

Find it on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes/Noble, Apple, and at a retailer near you.

The Complete Data Files

The data files from Ghosts of the Past and Princess Anyu Returns and its three prequels is collected into a single, easy-to-use reference volume. Fully integrated glossary puts information at your fingertips. Expanded timeline includes all of known Beinarian history. A must-have guide to the Peers of Beinan Series.

Find it on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes/Noble, Apple, and at a retailer near you.

The Complete Series

Dune meets middle earth in this epic series about a futuristic medieval society in another galaxy. There are no gruesome monsters to fight; the monsters are the ones inside their hearts, the same ones we are fighting in our society and in our lives today. This is a series about greed, corruption, lust, and revenge. It is about terrorism, corporations oppressing the poor, religious extremists imposing their will on others, and about the rich doing anything for power. And it is about good, decent people fighting for love, for liberty, and for kindness against the darkness that would snuff the light out of the world forever. All of this is set in a fantastic world with three moons, silicon-based life that breathes chlorine gas to survive, and its own lavishly created society complete with its own food, drink, and music. There are giant white birds of prey, sea creatures, and very cute long haired rodents. Two religions dominate the culture and, true to our own history, struggle with and against the constitutional monarchy and Great Council for power over the hearts and souls of the people. Take a journey across the stars with me to a distant world that somehow feels just like home.

Find it on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes/Noble, Apple, and at a retailer near you.

The Legacy of Princess Anlei

The Legacy of Princess Anlei comes alive! Begin with The Great Succession Crisis, the paranormal coming-of-age romance about Princess Anlei and her struggle to find herself while caught in the middle of a chess game of noble houses. Then solve the mystery of the Ghosts of the Past. As unseen terrorists target healing centres planet-wide it falls to Lord Knight Elendir of house Ten-Ar to stop the killers before they murder everyone he loves in this thriller where no one is safe. Finally join in the fight for freedom against Lord Yelu’s tyranny in Princess Anyu Returns, the exciting final chapter to the Peers of Beinan Series. All in their original forms from 2015 and reflecting the original vision for the series.

Find it on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes/Noble, Apple, and at a retailer near you.

Songs of the Beinarian Court

The songs and poems from the entire Peers of Beinan science fiction series come together in one collection. From Corann’s “Lady Fairest Queen” about Princess Anlei from “The Great Succession Crisis” to Princess Constance’s lament “Here Lays My Father and my Lord” sung as she finds the body of her murdered father (Ghosts of the Past), to the beautiful poems that never made it into the final versions of the books and previously found only in “The Lost Tales,” this collection has it all. It’s Peers of Beinan – the Musical in all its glory.

Find it on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes/Noble, Apple, and at a retailer near you. Audio edition available on Audible and Apple.

The Lost Tales

Deleted and forgotten stories, songs, and tales from the Legacy of Princess Anlei Trilogy: The Great Succession Crisis, The Ghosts of the Past, and Princess Anyu Returns. Presented uncut and unedited in their original forms, these stories not only entertain, but offer a unique window into the world building process.

Find it on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes/Noble, Apple, and at a retailer near you.

Prologue to “Good-bye A672E92 Quintus: a Play in Two Acts”

Science fiction is not a genre you usually see on stage. After all, sci-fi tends to involve all manner of different technologies that can be difficult if not impossible to render without special effects. Special effects are a non-issue in film. But creating them for live stage presentations presents challenges that few producers or directions are willing to undertake.

In 2017 I learned about a London West End production of Jules Vern’s “The War of the Worlds” starring Michael Praed of “Robin of Sherwood” fame. Inspired by that production, I decided to adapt the two novellas to the Peers of Beinan for stage production. Chronologically, “Good-bye A672E92 Quintus” opens the series. Here is the opening scene from that play.


NE 1, beinor 10. ANYU ENTERS downstage left to a bare stage apron.


(to audience)

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there was a beautiful planet moving around a blue-white star.  The star was named A672E92 and it was called A672E92 Quintus because it was the fifth planet in that system. It had one moon and was teaming full of life.  But it was not life quite like the life on Earth. For you see in that part of the universe, most life is built around the element Earthers call “silicon” and most life forms breathe chlorine gas to live. But aside from these small matters of evolution, it was a world not too different from yours, a world where human-like beings evolved. There were birds in the sky, animals in the oceans, and something like mammals on the ground, including a curious cross between a long-haired rabbit and a squirrel called a “konyn” which was the source of most of their softest wool fabrics.

The human-like beings developed communities, many of them based on common geography or profession. In time, noble houses rose up and felt themselves the betters of the farmers who called themselves House Croften, the weavers of House Skeinera, and the ranchers of House Plover. These noble houses often warred with each other, competing for resources on the land, in the oceans, and across the explored universe. And though war is never good, it was never so dangerous as the yen-ar when scientists from across the planet realized that their beautiful sun was dying of old age – which happens very quickly to blue-white stars because they are so big and bright in the sky.

What do you do when you discover your world is about to end? This is the story of two legends born in a galaxy far, far away and of their quest to leave their dying home world.


Find “Good-bye A672E92 Quintus” at a retailer near you, including Amazon, Apple, Smashwords, and Barnes/Noble.

Laurel A. Rockefeller debuts on Chirp

After eight years limiting my audiobooks to Audible and Apple, I have expanded outward! Using a different audiobook publishing you will now find my audiobooks at over 50 different retailers – including Chirp, KoboBooks, Barnes and Noble, and Spotify.

Check out “A New Start in the Niobrara for Mr. and Mrs. O’Malley” on Chirp at https://www.chirpbooks.com/audiobooks/a-new-start-in-the-niobrara-for-mr-and-mrs-o-malley-by-laurel-a-rockefeller for an introductory price of 99 cents and $1.99 after that.

Science fiction fans can enjoy the flash fiction “The First King” for 99 cents https://www.chirpbooks.com/audiobooks/the-first-king-by-laurel-a-rockefeller

More retailers will offer these books soon. Please follow me on twitter for regular updates.

Recipe: Beinarian Slatkos with Kara, Kelan, or Nanla Filling

Created for The Great Succession Crisis and appearing in the 2nd Edition  (recipe was deleted for the Third Edition; both editions are available in paperback), slatkos are a fusion of breakfast pastry with Italian cannolis and filled with approximations of Beinarian kara, kelan, or nanli fruits.


Beinarian Slatkos with Kara, Kelan, or Nanla Filling

Created by Laurel A. Rockefeller; Kristeen Shuga and Alayna Hoglund of “What’s the Occasion” bakery.

Beinarian slatkos are buttery baked pastry filled with fruit fillings popular across Beinan at formal events and sometimes for breakfast.  Slatkos made be filled with any number of fruits and/or nuts from across the planet.  While kara, kelan, nanla, and other Beinarian trees cannot grow here, their flavors can be closely replicated as demonstrated in this easy recipe.  It works best when stainless steel cannoli forms are put in the middle while baking; without the forms, each slatko bakes completely flat, greatly reducing the amount of filling and requiring the scooping out of some of the bread in the middle.

Pastry Puff Shells

1 cup all-purpose flour

½ teaspoon salt

½ cup cold butter, divided

¼ cup ice water

1 ½ teaspoons water

2 tablespoons beaten egg

  1. In a small bowl, combine flour and salt; cut in ¼ cup butter until crumbly. Gradually add water, tossing with a fork until a ball forms. On a lightly floured surface, roll dough into a 12 inch x 6 inch rectangle.
  1. Cut remaining butter into thin slices. Starting at a short side of dough, arrange half of the thin butter slices over two-thirds of rectangle to within ½ inch of edges. Fold unbuttered third of dough over middle third. Fold remaining third over the middle, forming a 6 inch x 4 inch rectangle. Roll dough into a 12 inch x 6 inch rectangle.
  1. Repeat steps of butter layering and dough folding until all the butter is incorporated into the dough, ending with a 6 inch x 4 inch rectangle. Wrap in plastic wrap; refrigerate for 15 minutes. Roll dough into a 12 inch x 6 inch rectangle once more. Fold in half lengthwise and then width-wise. Wrap in plastic wrap; refrigerate for 1 hour.
  1. In a small bowl, combine egg and water. Roll dough into a 12 inch square; cut into four squares. Brush with half of the egg mixture. Place squares onto cookie sheet and grab the two opposite corners and connect them over a stainless steel cannoli form.
  1. Bake at 450° for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown. Cool until warm but not burning hot. Gently slide cannoli form out.  Cool completely.  Fill as directed below.

Substitution: baked shell dough may be substituted with crescent roll or turnover dough located in your local grocery store. Of the “crescent” dough options available in the supermarket, we prefer the new Pillsbury Crescent Recipe Creations Seamless Dough Sheet which is uncut crescent bread dough. To use pre-purchased dough, simply unroll, separate (or cut to size if using the dough sheet), bring the corners together over each cannoli form, seal, bake, and fill.  For the flakiest shells, use turnover dough or Grands biscuit dough rolled/pressed out to size.


1 ½ cups berries or chopped fruit

¼ cup sugar (if the fruit is tart or slightly unripe)

3 tablespoons cornstarch diluted in enough COLD water to dissolve it.

  1. Puree with blender or mash thoroughly to a smooth to slightly lumpy consistency. Push through a sieve if you want to remove the seeds. Put puree in a pot on medium heat on the stovetop; add sugar and starch liquid; stir constantly. Bring to a boil until well thickened. Cool completely. This will become very thick and tastes very fresh.
  1. Once cooled, place some filling into either pastry bag or a sandwich bag. Cut hole into bag and squeeze slightly into pastry to pipe in the filling. Alternatively, a small spoon can be used to carefully fill each slatko shell. It is easier if you fill half on one side and half on the other as well.

Beinarian fillings:


Kara fruit filling

¾ cup blackberries (approximately 1 6 oz. container)

¾ cup blueberries (just under ½ of a standard pint container)

Kelan fruit filling

¾ cup blackberries (approximately 1 6 oz. container)

¾ cup lingonberries (approximately ¼ to ⅓ pound)

Nanla fruit filling

1 medium apple, peeled, cored, and chopped into small but not fine chunks

¾ cup kiwi fruit (about 1 to 2 fruit, depending on size), peeled and chopped

Nanla fruit filling should be coarser than most slatko fillings; do not puree completely smooth.


After baking and filling, the tubes may be doused with powdered sugar, sprinkles, iced at the ends, or just left plain.

Related Peers of Beinan posts

The Peers of Beinan Series: Book Descriptions and Links

The Peers of Beinan: A Literary Journey

Excerpt: Princess Anyu Returns (Enter Anyu Wen)


It’s finally here!  The final chapter to the Peers of Beinan Series!  Released on 1st February, 2015, Princess Anyu Returns tells the story of Princess Anyu’s exile on D425E25 Tertius and of her return home to Beinan to face the murderous and very treacherous Lord Yelu.  In this scene from chapter two, Enter Anyu Wen, you are treated to a Firefly-influenced opening followed by the introduction of a very dangerous alien.

Princess Anyu profile

Music filled Anyu’s ears as she wandered the mall, light, rhythmic and sweet with the familiar sound of shawms and flutes.  As if in a dream of the home she knew existed no more, Anyu drifted towards the sound.  In the center of a large open space near an escalator, a small troop of performers dressed very much like Beinarians danced and played the sweet music.  Recognizing the dance, Anyu put everything down and joined the forming circle.  Memories swelled.  Her feet knew the steps, transporting her and surprising the performers while the crowd of shoppers applauded.  As the song ended, she disappeared, collecting her belongings once more.  One of the dancers, a man with brown eyes, jet black hair, and apricot skin followed her, “Who are you?”

Anyu turned and faced him, “I beg your pardon?”

“You appeared and disappeared as if from nowhere.  I have never seen you before, yet you knew the steps to our dance.”

“Everyone knows that dance,” remarked Anyu casually.

“Not in this time and place, they do not,” countered the man.

Comprehension filled Anyu, “Ah!  You must be of this Society for Creative Anachronism that people told me about!”

“I am.  My name is Seo-jun.”

“Strange name.”

“It suffices. So what are you doing here?”

“Shopping.  New dress,” motioned Anyu at the fabric of her dress.

Seo-jun raised an eyebrow, “With a heavy pack like that and a basket of food?”

“Sure, why not?”

Seo-jun’s eyes changed from brown to metallic blue, his voice lowering, “You are not from around here.  As a matter of fact, you are not from anywhere near here – not even this galaxy.”

Anyu tensed and instinctively raised her hand to her hip, forgetting for the xiao-shir that her sword was buried in her pack, “Who are you?”

Seo-jun grabbed her arm, “Let us take a walk, Princess!”

Seo-jun dragged Anyu to the parking lot outside of the mall.  Forcing her onto the back seat of his black two door Ford Fiesta sedan, he threw her belongings into the car hastily, spilling out one of the kolaches from its basket.   Suddenly a dark-haired and grey-eyed man wearing white trousers, a white t-shirt, and white linen blazer leapt out from behind a nearby station wagon, his laser épée humming fiercely, “Let her go!”

Seo-jun laughed, “Why?  You cannot harm me!” To prove his point, Seo-jun concentrated; the doors on the sedan locked with a loud click.  Anyu tried to pry open the locks; they would not budge.

Understanding her life was in danger she quickly found her sword and drew it from her pack as the man stepped towards Seo-jun with his laser épée.  Closing his eyes and controlling his breath, the locks flew open.  Anyu rolled onto the ground to safety. Lifting a finger, the stranger threw all of Anyu belongings out of the car including the stray kolache which rolled in its protective plastic sandwich bag until it hit Anyu’s pack as Anyu found her feet.

The man with the épée advanced on Seo-jun, “You will leave this world, Seo-jun.”

Seo-jun sneered, “And who will make me?  You?”

“If I must,” confirmed the man, raising his épée and planting his feet firmly to attack.

“Your powers of mind are limited.  Your powers of flesh are even more limited.  When can your kind ever defeat us?” guffawed Seo-jun.

“Perhaps I will die trying,” offered the man.

Anyu raised her sword, taking a defensive position with her strange benefactor, “If he dies, he does not die alone!”

“I did not come here for you, Princess.  But if you wish to die too, I can arrange that.  Pity though; you are worth so much more to me alive – unlike your friend here,” frowned Seo-jun.

“Come now, what would Lady Laela think if she heard you talk that way?  You cannot simply dispose of her favourite pet without provoking her wrath!” cried the stranger sarcastically, his feet instinctively falling into the ritualized martial arts forms of the knights of Gurun.  Anyu smiled, recognizing the steps from countless lessons by Lady Knight Aldris of the knights of Gurun, her feet gliding into complimentary forms in accord with the Gurun style of fighting.  Their two swords – one heritage and one modern – seemed to dance joyfully as they met each other’s eyes.  Two complete strangers yet suddenly comrades in arms.

Undaunted, Seo-jun rolled his eyes, half amused at the irony of a man from the past wielding the modern weapon while the adolescent daughter of Beinan’s conquered queen wielded a heritage sword. It was, from a larger perspective, downright comical while being, from another point of view, rather heroic. “You both surely must realize how useless both your weapons are against me.”

“That has yet to be seen,” challenged the stranger.  “I have never actually attacked one of your species before – but since you obviously are intent on taking one or both of us to Lord Yelu, I see little incentive to not at least try.”  In affirmation, the stranger lunged at Seo-jun with his blade, much to Seo-jun’s annoyance.

Seo-jun deflected the blade with a wave of just one finger, “I am no longer amused.”  Anyu, unaffected by Seo-jun’s telekinesis, glided closer, cutting her blade down and slicing ever so slightly into his shoulder. A few drops of black blood spilled onto the ground, sizzling against the payment acidly.  Seo-jun faced her, his eyes like blue flames, “Unwise!”

Just as Seo-jun was about to throw Anyu into a nearby car with his mind, he observed several native humans approaching their position, obviously attracted by the noise.  A man wearing the navy blue uniform of the State College police department approached cautiously, his firearm drawn.  Seo-jun’s eyes changed back to their brown disguise.  Stepping back towards his sedan, he opened the door, “Very well then, since this place is far too crowded for my taste, let us defer this conversation for another beinor.  I trust you will make peace with your goddesses by then.  I would hate to see your soul trapped around this world.”  Sitting down in the sedan, Seo-jun closed the door, engaged the internal combustion engine, and drove away.

Relieved, the stranger stepped out around a car to turn off his laser épée out of sight of the police officer.  Anyu pulled her sword sheath out of her pack, “What just happened?”

“I would think that would be obvious,” answered the stranger as the police officer reached them.

“State College police,” announced the officer.  “Are you okay?”

Anyu looked at the officer and offered a respective bow, “Yes!  Yes we are – thanks to you!”  The police officer tipped his cap politely before turning back, unwilling to get more involved than absolutely necessary.  Anyu turned once more to the stranger, “Well, now that’s over – did you know that Seo-jun creature?”

‘I do; I did,” admitted the stranger as he re-joined Anyu.

“Who is he?  Perhaps more importantly who are you?”

“That is a long story – to both questions.  I am not entirely certain I know who you are – except that you are not of this world. Why did he call you ‘princess?’”

“I do not know how you know I am not of this world – but he called me ‘princess’ because I am the daughter of my people’s reigning sovereign queen.”

The stranger took off his watch, “This looks like an ordinary multi-function time piece such as local men of wealth wear – but it is not.”  Demonstrating, he tapped the surface of the timepiece rapidly three times.  The display changed. “As I hope you know, all life on this world is kol-based, not silizium-based like we are.  This function scans for silizium-based life.  That is how I found both Seo-jun and you, actually.  All three of us are silizium-based.  But beyond that – all I can tell is that Seo-jun appears to be after both of us – not just me.”

“That name – Lady Laela – sounds familiar. Who is she?”

“Assuming these readings are correct and you come from B345A15 Quartus, also known as planet Beinan?”

“Yes, that is my home world.”

“Mine as well.  Have you ever been to the castle temple of Abka Biya overlooking the Amba Mederi Ocean in Bira Hecen?”


“Do you remember a strange woman with metallic blue eyes who takes care of the temple’s observatory?”

“Vaguely – she did something – scanned me perhaps?  I came to the temple to seek refuge from strange dreams I was having.  She said I was seeing someone I knew in another life – someone named Janus who I later came to recognize as the same soul as this Lord Yelu the Bastard who has no doubt overthrown the Gurun dynasty.”

“Precisely.  That is Lady Laela.”

“You know her?”

“Better than you do – and so does Seo-jun.”

“Who is he?”

“A very dangerous person from an ancient race – Lady Laela’s race actually.  We first met them – we call them ‘The Amur’ – during the Great Migration.  Woe to all Beinarians that beinor ever came.”

“My name is Anyu – Lady Engineer Anyu.”

“You are both a princess and an engineer?”

“Yes.  You find that strange lord…”

“The locals call me ‘Christopher.’”

“That is not your name.”


“Why give me an alias?”

“I will tell you my birth name – in time.  This is hardly the place to discuss our world.”


“I have a home in town where we can talk more privately – it is not far from here.”

“Lead the way!”

Excerpt: Good-bye A672E92 Quintus

Spaceship Flying at SunsetGood-bye A672E92 Quintus is a young reader, young adult novella from the Peers of Beinan Series exploring the final yen-ars on planet A672E92 Quintus.  It tells the story of the meeting between Lord Malvyn of house Balister and Lady Priestess Brigid of house Miyoo and how together they helped unite their divided people before their sun went nova.

Available in English for kindle, nook, and in paperback. Also available in both French and English on Audible.


The isle of Ben-Ar glittered with the crystalline temple of Ainisil, its many spires and towers weaving together organically out of the island’s craggy cliffs with smoothness and geometric precision.  Dormers flowered near the pinnacles of each tower, amplifying the number of windows and usable working space.  Twenty zhang张away from one of the spires, a species of falco albus circled, then wringed and stooped, catching a large rodent in her talons to feed to her hungry chicks being watched over by her mate in their nearby nest.  Three stories below wound a carefully paved road leading from the docking port for low altitude shuttles one full li里 to the main entrance to the temple, a choice made to reduce the environmental impact of technology upon the area wildlife.

From the elaborately carved portal arch of the main temple entrance, Lady Brigid walked the smooth stone path with practiced precision.  Fifty zhang 张 along the path from her starting point at the heavy wooden temple doors she stopped and stood gracefully at attention.  Two figures, one male and one female, appeared as growing specks from the opposite end of the path.  Brigid smiled as slowly the features of Lord Malvyn of house Balister and Lady Abbess Sareth of house Ten-Ar became clearer to her eyes.  As they approached, Lady Brigid noticed six more figures appearing in the distance that too began to walk the smooth stone road.

Lord Malvyn bowed to Lady Brigid, taking her hand and kissing it, “Honor and respect to the lady of many names and to her ambassador in you, my lady!”

As Malvyn’s lips touched her hand, Brigid felt a shockwave of spiritual energy.  Her eyes widened and balance faltered barely perceptibly, taking her breath as a presence filled her consciousness.  Who was this Malvyn of house Balister and why was his polite kiss of respect, presumably directed at the triple goddess known collectively as Ainisil, affecting her so?  Knowing an answer was merited by protocol, Brigid curtsied politely, “Merry meet, Lord Malvyn.  House Miyoo greets you in the name of the Lady.”  Malvyn smiled chivalrously in turn.

Lady Abbess Sareth bowed in greeting to Lady Brigid, “It is an honor and pleasure to meet you, Lady Brigid.  Honorable Lady Kendra praised you highly when informing me of the conference.”

“I shall endeavor to earn your respect then, Your Grace.  How fares house Ten-Ar this beinor?”

“Too few choose the healing arts, I am afraid.  You speak honorifically to me, Lady Priestess Brigid, but I fear there is precious little honor in my title; it appears to be more of a formality than a true position of authority,” confessed Sareth.

“But surely you are a skilled healer and gifted teacher of the healing arts,” protested Brigid.

“These are not gentile times, my lady.  Master knights and generals of war hold the greater prestige.  Better a warrior and knight of Ten-Ar than a healer to them– at least for the present.”

“Perhaps we may reverse that trend,” suggested Brigid, her mind still mostly focused on Malvyn unexpectedly even as she applied Miyoo mental discipline towards staying in the present.

“Reverse what trend?” asked Lord Horatio of house Xing-li, his eyes forward so as to avoid noticing the delegation from house Cashmarie immediately behind him.

Lord Malvyn offered Horatio the Balistrian gesture of respect, “Good morning and welcome lord …”

“Lord Admiral Horatio of house Xing-li, at your service,” echoed Horatio.

“A pleasure and an honor, lord admiral.  I am Lord Malvyn, master bowman and head of house Balister.  Please allow me to introduce the ladies:  Lady Abbess Sareth of house Ten-Ar and our hostess, Lady Priestess Brigid of house Miyoo,” presented Malvyn.

“A pleasure as always,” greeted Lady Silmira of house Cashmarie from behind Lord Horatio’s right ear. “I am Lady Mariner Silmira of house Cashmarie and head of our delegation.”  Turning towards Horatio, Lady Silmira smiled politely and sarcastically, “A pleasure to see you again, lord admiral.  Killed any children lately?”

“The affairs of house Xing-li are none of yours, Mariner.  Or should I call you a hapless dimwit of a sailor who cannot navigate her way out of a sea to an ocean?” snarled Horatio.

Lord Malvyn raised his eyebrow with a turn of his body so only Lady Sareth and Lady Brigid could see his expression of mild annoyance and disbelief.  The ladies echoed his body language silently.  Turning his attention once more to Horatio and Silmira he motioned, “Well then, clearly we have much to discuss.  Shall we enter the castle temple then and begin?”

Lady Silmira bowed and curtsied politely, her ocean green kirtle catching a sudden gentle island breeze, “By all means, Lord Malvyn!  Let us find the solution to this problem.  The sooner we conclude negotiations, the sooner we may all return to our homes.”  Horatio nodded consent as Lady Brigid led the way into the castle temple and showed each of her guests their quarters for the duration of the negotiations.

Two shir-ors later, the negotiations began without progress.  At the first meeting lasting three shir-ors, the three delegates from house Xing-li shouted insults and insinuations at the three delegates from house Cashmarie who returned them with equal ferocity, trying the patience of all three arbiters and forcing an early adjournment.  The next morning talks fared little better as the delegates from each house numerated the flaws they saw in the other, their voices increasing in volume and the cutting of their mutual insults escalating to levels none of the arbiters realized was possible.  After four full shir-ors of shouting with barely any breaks for meals, Lord Malvyn left the conference room for some air.   Heading to his quarters, he collected his heritage bow, a recurve bow made of a tawny white wood called Nara known for its lightness and strength.  Heading outside, he set up two targets, the first twenty zhang 张 from the invisible firing line he drew in his head and the second at sixty zhang 张. Stringing his bow he picked up an arrow from his nearby quiver, nocked it into the bowstring, and drew the string to his ear, sighting carefully at the far target.  Releasing the arrow he heard it thump into the ground clumsily, his concentration clearly off.  Picking up another arrow, Malvyn tried to quiet his mind.  Behind him strode Lady Brigid, “You are angry.”

“Shouldn’t you be at the conference listening to their profanity?” remarked Malvyn.

“I adjourned the meeting three xiao-shirs after you left.  It was pretty clear we were not going to achieve anything this beinor.”

“My lady,” began Malvyn, trying to conceal his anger at the stupidity that filled the negotiations, “I – I don’t know what to say or feel or do.  I am used to leading women and men; I have certainly heard my share of petty arguments.  But this?  This I do not know how to handle – do you?”

“Anger and hate is like a gale force wind; sometimes you have to simply endure it and let it run its natural course before you can clean up the damage it has created.”

Malvyn lowered his bow and set it aside gently, “What makes you think anything will survive the ‘gale’ as you put it?  These two houses are determined to destroy one another.”

“They are more alike than they are different.  But Cashmarian discipline is based on cooperation and mutual respect; Xing-lian discipline is largely about fear and obedience to authority.  Until they stop shouting and recognize how much they really do have in common …”

“… This nonsense will continue,” finished Malvyn.


“I am sorry I lost my temper.”

“There is nothing to apologize for, my lord.”

“Please call me Malvyn.”

“Malvyn.  May I ask you a personal question?”

“Yes, of course.”

“When you first greeted me last beinor – did you feel anything, notice anything out of the ordinary?”

“You mean beyond simple respect for you as the chosen representative from house Miyoo for these talks?”

Brigid paced nervously, “Yes.  I do not know how to put it into words.”

“I am not a man of religion.  The Lady Ainisil is a mystery to me; I need priests and priestesses like you to help me understand.  Of late I have had dreams, a face and an image that made no sense to me – until I saw your face and recognized you from the dream.”

“What happened in the dream?”

“It is hard to remember.  But you were with me, steadying me in some way, I think.”

“Politically? Personally?  Do you remember anything about the context?”

“It makes no sense to me.  I saw – people I recognize to be on the Great Council.  There were people everywhere around us, all dressed in their finest fabrics and brightest colors. There was food and drink being served, then some sort of formal – I do not know – maybe an inauguration or something?”

“Then what?”

“I do not remember.  But I do remember feeling you close to me and liking that feeling,” blushed Malvyn.

“When you touched me, Malvyn, I felt an energy flowing from you into me.  It was unexpected and hard to understand.  Something changed in me from that touch.  I have no words to elaborate with.  In all my training I have never heard of anything quite like that before.  But we are taught one thing:  the goddess of many names whom we called Ainisil often gives us sign posts on things to come so as to alert and prepare us for some challenge.  Do you think it is possible that your dream and my experience last beinor are perhaps connected?”

“I do not know, my lady.  But I am willing to see what comes next.”

“As am I.”

“Assuming there is some special significance to all this, may I touch you again?”

“Are you married?”

Malvyn’s grey eyes lit up at the question, “No. I have never actually been close to any woman in any particularly personal way.”

Brigid smiled, “Then you may.”

Encouraged, Malvyn closed the distance between them and brushed a free lock of her hair back behind her ear.  Tentatively he brushed his lips shyly upon hers before feeling bold enough to kiss her fully and completely. Brigid reciprocated the kiss.  Malvyn kissed her again, “Could it be that you and I are destined to be together?  Are you to be my wife?”

“Let’s find out,” blushed Brigid.

Character profile: Lord Knight Elendir (Peers of Beinan)


Ghosts of the Past cover name whiteCharacter name:  Lord Knight Elendir of house Ten-Ar

Parents:  Lord Healer Devon of house Ten-Ar, Lady Healer Keelia of house Ten-Ar

Date of Birth: BE 6767, beinor 50

Place of Birth:  An-Men Ten-Ar Healing Center in the capital city of Hejing

Books appearing in:  The Great Succession Crisis (prologue only), The Ghosts of the Past (central character), Princess Anyu Returns (central character)

Profile:  a flawed hero, we first meet Elendir just shir-ors after his birth.  After losing first his father, then his mother to terrorist attacks, Elendir grows up in the Ten-Arian monastery, ever watchful of his younger sister, Althea who is brought up along a similar path among the healers of house Ten-Ar.

As a young man, Elendir finds himself vulnerable to his hormones, easily manipulated by shrewd and intelligent women bent on distracting Elendir from his quest to solve the mystery of his father’s death in hopes of finding peace.  This vulnerability threatens to destroy planet Beinan in ways Elendir himself fails to recognize until it is almost too late.

Across The Ghosts of the Past Elendir grows personally, eventually finding peace, marrying, and becoming a father himself to his son Corann.

Like most Beinarians, Elendir is grey-eyed but develops brown eye syndrome (named for its discoloring effects on the iris), an eye disease caused by exposure to argun ore and to argene that destroys two of the five photo receptors in Beinarian eyes, rendering him partially visually disabled and brown-eyed.

ninth-and-tenth-doctorIdeal actor to play Elendir in a film adaptation:  Dr Who alumni David Tennant and Christopher Eccleston would both make fantastic choices as Elendir.  Eccleston in particular has the stage presence and subtly to convey Elendir over the long span of his life covered in Ghosts of the Past.

Connect with science fiction author Laurel A. Rockefeller on twitter.










Repost: Awesome Gang Interview of Laurel A. Rockefeller

Here is the Awesome Gang’s interview of author Laurel A. Rockefeller

author Laurel A. Rockefeller in 2012

author Laurel A. Rockefeller in 2012
